The Tesla Testament
Amazon best-seller December 2007!

Non-stop action. A vulnerable hero. A quest to save the world. The Tesla Testament is the most exciting novel of the decade.

Developing With Google App Engine

This book introduces development with Google App Engine, a platform that provides developers and users with infrastructure that Google itself uses for deploying their massively scalable applications.

Member of The Internet Defense League

Apache Hadoop Deployment: A Blueprint for Reliable Distributed Computing

This Refcard presents a basic blueprint for deploying Apache Hadoop HDFS and MapReduce in development and production environments. Check out DZone Refcard #117, Getting Started with Apache Hadoop for basic terminology and for an overview of the tools available in the Hadoop Project.

Deploying Hadoop Live Code

All the bash shell commands in the Refcard are available for cutting and pasting directly onto your console session from this list.

  1. Hadoop SSH Prerequisites
  2. Ubuntu Pre-Install Setup
  3. Red Hat Pre-Install Setup
  4. Set the Hadoop Run-Time Environment
  5. Pseudo-Distributed Operation Config
  6. Testing the Hadoop Installation
  7. Job Completion and Daemon Termination
  8. Installing CDH
  9. Adding Optional Components
  10. Starting the CDH Daemons
  11. Testing the CDH Installation
  12. Fetching Daemon Metrics
  13. Set the Production Configuration
  14. Create a New File System
  15. Stop All Daemons
  16. File System Setup
  17. Starting a Node Example
  18. Set the MapReduce Directory Up
  19. Minimal HDFS Config Update
  20. Minimal MapReduce Config Update

This handy Hadoop reference card is available for download from DZone .

Here are the links for the companion Getting Started with Apache Hadoop, Scalability and High Availability Systems Refcard, and the NoSQL and Data Scalability Refcardz - enjoy!

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All Refcard Listings Ready to Paste

Listing 1 - Hadoop SSH Prerequisites





if ! ssh localhost -C true ; then \

  if [ ! -e "$keyFile" ]; then \

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -P '' \

       -f "$pKeyFile"; \

  fi; \

  cat "$keyFile" >> "$authKeys"; \

  chmod 0640 "$authKeys"; \

  echo "Hadoop SSH configured"; \

else echo "Hadoop SSH OK"; fi


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Listing 2 - Ubuntu Pre-install Setup


DISTRO=$(lsb_release -c | cut -f 2)


echo "deb \ \

    $DISTRO-cdh3 contrib" > "$REPO"

echo "deb-src \ \

    $DISTRO-cdh3 contrib" >> "$REPO"

apt-get update


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Listing 3 - Red Hat Pre-install Setup


curl -sL | tee \

    /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-cdh3.repo | \

    awk '/^name/'

yum update yum


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Listing 4 - Set the Hadoop Runtime Environment


version=0.20.2  # change if needed



ln -s hadoop-"$version" runtime

ln -s runtime/logs .


cp "$runtimeEnv" "$runtimeEnv".org

echo "export \


>> "$runtimeEnv"

mkdir "$HADOOP_HOME"/slaves

echo  \

"export HADOOP_IDENT_STRING=$identity" >> \


echo  \


>> "$runtimeEnv"

export \


unset version; unset identity; unset runtimeEnv


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Listing 5 - Pseudo-Distributed Operation Config


<!-- core-site.xml --> 







<!-- hdfs-site.xml -->







<!-- mapred-site.xml -->








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Listing 6 - Testing the Hadoop Installation ; sleep 5

hadoop fs -put runtime/conf input

hadoop jar runtime/hadoop-*-examples.jar\

  grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+'


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Listing 7 - Job Completion and Daemon Termination


hadoop fs -cat output/*


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Listing 8 - Installing CDH




if [ ! -e "$command" ];

then command="/usr/bin/yum"; fi

"$command" install\


unset command ; unset ver


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Listing 9 - Additional Optional Components


apt-get install hadoop-pig

apt-get install flume

apt-get install sqoop


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Listing 10 - Starting the CDH Daemons


for s in /etc/init.d/hadoop* ; do \

"$s" start; done


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Listing 11 - Testing the CDH Installation


hadoop fs -ls /

# run a job:

pushd /usr/lib/hadoop

hadoop fs -put /etc/hadoop/conf input

hadoop fs -ls input

hadoop jar hadoop-*-examples.jar \

  grep input output 'dfs[a-z.]+'

# Validate it ran OK:

hadoop fs -cat output/*


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Listing 12 - Fetching Daemon Metrics




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Listing 13 - Set the Production Configuration




cp -Rfv /etc/hadoop-"$ver"/conf.empty \


chown hadoop:hadoop "$prodConf"

# activate the new configuration:


if [ ! -e "$alt" ]; then alt="/usr/sbin/alternatives"; fi

"$alt" --install /etc/hadoop-"$ver"/conf \

hadoop-"$ver"-conf "$prodConf" 50

for h in /etc/init.d/hadoop-"$ver"-*; do \

"$h" restart; done


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Listing 14 - Create a New File System


sudo -u hdfs hadoop namenode -format


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Listing 15 - Stop All Daemons


# Run this in every node


for h in /etc/init.d/hadoop-"$ver"-*; do \

"$h" stop ;\

# Optional command for auto-start:

update-rc.d "$h" defaults; \



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Listing 16 -


mkdir -p /data/1/dfs/nn /data/2/dfs/nn

mkdir -p /data/1/dfs/dn /data/2/dfs/dn \

/data/3/dfs/dn /data/4/dfs/dn

mkdir -p /data/1/mapred/local \


chown -R hdfs:hadoop /data/1/dfs/nn \

/data/2/dfs/nn /data/1/dfs/dn \

/data/2/dfs/dn /data/3/dfs/dn \


chown -R mapred:hadoop \

/data/1/mapred/local \


chmod -R 755 /data/1/dfs/nn \

/data/2/dfs/nn \

/data/1/dfs/dn /data/2/dfs/dn \

/data/3/dfs/dn /data/4/dfs/dn

chmod -R 755 /data/1/mapred/local \



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Listing 17 -



/etc/init.d/hadoop-"$ver"-namenode start


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Listing 18 - Set the MapReduce Directory Up


sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -mkdir \


sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chown mapred \



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Listing 19 - Minimal HDFS Config Update

















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Listing 20 - Minimal MapReduce Config Update


<!-- mapred-site.xml -->

















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Thanks to Pavel Dovbush for his assistance in setting up the live code examples in this web page. Pavel is a Rich Internet Application design and implementation guru.